Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Rasmussen Poll: Strickland has 16 point lead

According to the results of a Rasmussen Poll released today, Congressmen Ted Strickland has a 16 point lead over his Republican challenger, "Ayahtollah" J. Kenneth Blackwell. When likely Ohio voters are asked whom they would vote for for Governor if the election were held today, 52% said they would vote for Ted Strickland, 36% said they would vote for Ken Blackwell, and 12% were undecided.

Another Rasmussen poll released today showed Congressmen Sherrod Brown with a three point lead over Republican incumbent Mike DeWine in the race for Ohio's U.S. Senate seat that is up for grabs this year. This is the first Rasmussen poll which has shown Brown with a lead over DeWine, however, the lead is within the polls margin for error.

Both polls have a margin of error of +/- 4.5 percentage points.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Hi All, soon after Congressmen Ted Strickland and Sherrod Brown, the Democratic candidates for Governor and U.S. Senator, respectively, cast their votes against the $70 billion tax cut bill in the U.S. Congress, Bob Bennett, chairman of the Ohio Republican Party, issued a blistering press release blasting Strickland and Brown for being "out of touch" with Ohio voters who need tax relief.

Oops. Looks like he should have made sure all his own people were on the reservation first, because also voting against the tax cut bill was U.S. Sen. George V. Voinovich, R-OH, who gave a blistering commentary about the U.S. budget situation under President Bush, and the Republicans' failure to level with the American people about what will be needed to restore our government to fiscal sanity. An overview of the speech he gave is contained in this editorial.

Sorry, Bob, looks like you were too quick on the trigger finger this time!