Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Quinnipiac Poll: Obama Approval Rating in Ohio at 57 Percent

In a poll released this morning, Quinnipiac University finds that President Barack Obama has a 57 percent approval rating in Ohio with 33 percent disapproving roughly two months into his term in office.

These numbers are down from last month, where Quinnipiac found a 67-16 approval rating. A lot of the movement has come from self-described Republicans, who last month disapproved 31-42 but this month disapprove 22-68. IMO, this is to be expected as the honeymoon period wears off and President Obama begins rolling out an agenda not exactly calculated to please GOPers.

One of the items on that agenda is President Obama's $75 billion mortgage rescue plan. In a development I consider stunning, 63 percent of Ohioans say the plan is unfair to those who make their payments on time, but 55 percent of Ohioans support the plan anyway because they think its necessary to stablize the housing market. 

In the red-hot race for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by George Voinovich in 2010, Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher leads former Bush Administration official Rob Portman 41-33, and Auditor of State Mary Taylor 41-31 in hypothetical matchups. In a Democratic Primary, Fisher takes 18 percent to 14 percent for Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, 12 percent for Rep. Tim Ryan, 10 percent to all other candidates and 46 percent undecided. 

More Quinnpiac analysis later. For now, read the full poll results yourself here.


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