Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Friday, November 06, 2009
A Funny Thing Happened
I had fun!
In the midst of all the conversation, BSB's Modern Esquire inquired as to the status of my promised re-launch and re-design of this blog. He deserves an answer, as does everyone else who has asked me about it.
After using BSB's Drupal platform for over a year, it didn't take me long to become dissatisfied with the restrictions of Blogger. I began contemplating switching to WordPress, which would give me much greater control over the layout and design of the blog. However, switching to WordPress would involve finding a hosting provider, installing WordPress, exporting all of this blog's content into the new format, redirecting the domain name, etc. This is a fair amount of work and quite frankly I just haven't been motivated to do it, because with all the recriminations that have gone on this year I just lost the desire to blog for a good long time.
Now, however, I hope to get all this done before the end of the month.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Watch for Early August Re-Launch
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Obama's Approval Tumbles, D's Still Lead Portman For Senate Race
Given a 62-31 approval rating just two months ago, President Obama now gets a 49-44 approval rating. What's remarkable about this to me is that both the drop in approval and rise in disapproval are exactly 13%, meaning there is no net increase or decrease in the number of Ohioans feeling ambivalent about their new President, a President who has not yet spent 6 months in the White House. My feeling is that Ohioans frustrations with the slow progress on the economic recovery are coming out in these numbers.
On the 2010 Senate front, Quinnipiac finds both Fisher and Brunner slightly leading the likely GOP candidate former Rep. Rob Portman. Fisher has a slight 3 point lead on Brunner in the Democratic primary, within the polls margin of error.
Monday, July 06, 2009
New Quinny Poll on 2010 U.S. Senate Race Tomorrow
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Strickland In Trouble?: PPP Finds Him Up Only 2 Over Kasich
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Where Does the Deficit Come From? In Excellent Article, NYT Breaks It Down
In an excellent article, the New York Times breaks it down. 37% of the swing, comes from the downturn in the economy itself. The current recession, plus the one earlier this decade, has reduced government tax revenue while simultaneously requiring more spending on safety net programs like unemployment.
33% of the swing, according to the NYT, can be pined on the policies of George W. Bush. Specifically, his massive tax cuts for the wealthy, creation of Medicare Part D, the wars in Iraq and Afganhistan, together with the interest payments needed on the debt he ran up with these policies during his term in office, account for 33% of swing.
President Obama's main contribution to the deficit is in his continuation of certain Bush policies: specifically, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, not calling for the immediate repeal of the Bush tax cuts, etc. NYT figures the continuation of these Bush policies accounts for 20% of the swing.
In case you are bad at math, that means that now 90% of the swing from an $800 billion surplus to a $1.2 Trillion deficit has been accounted for, and President Obama's only contribution is to continue George W. Bush's policies. The stimulus bill, for the record, counts for a mere 7% of the swing, and President Obama's other policy proposals account for a mere 3%.
The article goes on to say that while President Obama has contributed little to this deficit, he does not yet have a credible plan for putting the budget back in balance. Then again, neither does the GOP. The article quotes the libertarian Cato Institute saying that the GOP is not credible when it comes to cutting spending.
Here's my deficit reduction plan: repeal all the Bush tax cuts. Go back to the Clinton tax plan that produced the only balanced budget since Eisenhower. Immediately end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. By immediately, I mean freaking tomorrow.
Next, immediately end all agricultural subsidies, including ethanol subsidies. These guys were supposed to have been weaned off the public teat 15 years ago. Next, start looking at some of the wasteful spending in the Pentagon. Why does the Marine Corps require two recruit training depots when the much larger Army only has one? Require all federal agencies to pass an audit of their books.
I figure this will get us halfway there, and then, once the economy comes back, it should cover the rest.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
California Becomes GOP Utopia: The Bear Flag Banana Republic!
Cuyahoga County Reform Opponents: What About Summit County?
The thing I can't figure is this. Having read the plan, it seems almost a carbon copy of the charter government that exists in Summit County, our neighbor to the South. And yet, opponents of the plan, led by East Cleveland Mayor Eric Brewer have been comment-spamming the same nonsense all over every story about the reform plan on Cleveland.com. For an example, follow this link to Mark Naymik's column on the issue and read the comments.
To all these opponents of the reform plan, I just have one question. If all the doom and gloom you are predicting will come to pass, why hasn't it happened in Summit County? They have been operating under a nearly identical county government structure for 30 years! And yet, their sales tax is 1.5% lower, and I don't see any FBI agents raiding their office holder's homes down there.
Please, if you're going to criticize a reform plan that is nearly identical to Summit County's, then tell us something that has happened in Summit that you don't like. Give us examples of how Summit's government structure has caused negative issues that makes you oppose bringing their reform plan to Cuyahoga. They have a 30 year track record down there, so if all the doom and gloom you are predicting will actually happen, it would have happened in Akron already.
If you aren't willing to do that, then please, STFU, and let rational people discuss this.
Monday, June 08, 2009
JPMorgan Chase Adds 1150 Jobs in Columbus. Blogosphere: Crickets.
Leaders from the Ohio Governor Ted Strickland's Office and Departments of Development from Ohio and the cities of Columbus and Westerville worked with Chase to provide generous incentives to attract the new jobs to central Ohio.Why didn't Ohio's progressive blogs trumpet this latest accomplishment by Gov. Ted Strickland and Lt. Gov Lee Fisher? I honestly have no idea. Modern of course didn't mention Chase's job creation when taking a swipe at Fisher because of NCR's move to Atlanta, but as for the rest of the 'sphere? Who knows.
"We could not be happier to announce that this important project with JPMorgan Chase will bring 1,150 jobs to Columbus as well as retain positions that are already here," Gov. Strickland said. "The company's decision to stay in Columbus and strengthen an already world-renowned presence here is a tremendous boost to our economy and very welcome news for Ohio."
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher and Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman were among a delegation of public officials that began discussing this opportunity with Chase leaders more than six months ago.
"This project was a dedicated public-private partnership among the State of Ohio, the City of Columbus, and the company at a very pivotal time for our economy," Lt. Gov. Fisher added. "We know that companies have more choices now than ever before, and JP Morgan Chase's commitment to Ohio reinforces their celebrated reputation as being one of our very best success stories."
Columbus Mayor Coleman said, "We are gratified that Chase wants to continue to make Columbus its home and grow its operations here. We will keep fighting for every job as we continue to make Columbus an economically competitive city."
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Stop the Presses: Columbus Dispatch Criticizes Bill Todd?
But such opposition should be honest, fact-based and well-intentioned. In the long run, no one benefits from misinformation and demagoguery.
That's why it's disappointing that Bill Todd, the 2007 Republican candidate for mayor, has chosen to criticize as scare tactics the city's plans to lay off hundreds of police officers and firefighters if the tax issue fails.
If the proposal fails, the city would have no choice but to lay off police and fire personnel. The math is simple. Nearly three-fourths of the city's general-fund budget goes for police and fire services.Now, if the Dispatch has the stones to go after John Kasich's "misinformation and demagoguery" for not providing a plan for the spending cuts necessary to eliminate Ohio's income tax, then I'll be ready to drop the (R-Columbus) monkier that David and I bestowed upon the Dispatch in the wake of their endorsement of John McCain last year.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Good Riddance, GM. Long Live the "new" GM.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
OH-Sen: Rob Portman Admits GOP Has No Ideas on Health Care
From National Journal:
Republicans have also taken some heat nationally for not focusing on health care in their campaigns in recent years, but Portman already has been speaking on the issue frequently.Actually, I take that back. A task force? That's a code word for keeping the status quo in place. And the status quo isn't acceptable anymore.
“We have to have an alternative. … I will tell you, I don’t think there is a Republican alternative at this point,” he said. He said he reached that conclusion after talking to Senate leaders and lawmakers about the GOP’s position. “There isn’t one,” he said. “There’s a task force, and I applaud them for that.”
Ohio's Worst Kept Secret Now Official: Mandel in for Treasurer
It's a very exciting time right now. I'm happy to be kicking off my State Treasurer campaign.
I am running for State Treasurer in 2010 for a number of reasons, not the least of which is to bring new energy, fresh ideas, and the next generation of leadership to state government.
To prepare for this decision, I put more than 30,000 miles on my car over the past few months, driving to every corner of our state to speak with people from all walks of life. I heard their frustration that while our economy is hurting and families are tightening their belts, government is spending like there is no tomorrow. They said that to change the direction of our state, we need new leaders who believe in good old-fashioned values like honesty, hard work and fiscal responsibility.
Will Bondholder Deal Keep GM From Bankruptcy?
General Motors said in a regulatory filing on Thursday that it has proposed a new deal to a committee representing many of its largest bondholders, offering an equity stake of as much as 25 percent in the restructured automaker if bondholders don’t oppose G.M.’s reorganization plan.
The filing also fills out many of the details of that plan, crafted under the eye of the Treasury Department, which would be G.M.’s majority owner once it emerged from bankruptcy protection with a 72.5 percent stake.
A committee representing about 20 percent of G.M.’s bonds said in a statement that they are supporting the new proposal.
“The ad hoc committee of G.M. bondholders supports the revised offer from GM and believes that when contrasted with the alternative – uncertain and costly bankruptcy court litigation – that it represents the best alternative for bondholders in the current difficult and dire situation,” the group said in a statement.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
GOPers In Such A Hurry To Attack Obama's SCOTUS Nominee That They Can't Be Bothered To Learn Her Name
Former Arkansas Gov. and presumed 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee already has a statement out criticizing President Obama's Supreme Court nominee. There's just one problem.
President Obama's nominee is 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Huckabee's statement criticizes someone named Maria Sotomayor .
So, Huck-meister, is it that you can't be bothered to learn the name of our next Supreme Court justice before cutting her off at the knees? Or, are you playing to stereotypes that all Latino women are named "Maria"?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thoughts on "Decoration Day"
Friday, May 22, 2009
United #615 Makes Emergency Landing In Pittsburgh; Plane Was Carrying Sen. Roland Burris
United remains the only major airline in the United States that does not have any new airplanes on order with any major airplane manufacturers.
Rust Belt Is Already Benefiting From Green Jobs
Scores of firms in the renewable energy business have recently opened in the Rust Belt states. They hope to take advantage of a population known for its industrial skills, engineering ability and work ethic.
It's hard to say how many people these firms currently employ. The government doesn't yet track green jobs and the distinction between what's "green" and what isn't often gets blurred.
One study by the University of California, Berkeley estimated that green energy companies employ at least half a million people. That number could climb to 2 to 4 million over the next 15 years if the nation got 15%-20% of its power from renewable sources.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I Support Marilyn Brown for Ohio Secretary of State
Since then, Marilyn has helped the County maintain its best possible AAA bond rating, a testament to the county's sound financial management practices. She helped oversee the construction of the new Huntington Park baseball stadium, which was on time, on budget, and built without a dime of taxpayer money. All the while, Marilyn and the rest of the Board took fire from the Dispatch (R-Columbus) for sticking to labor practice policies that were pro-labor, but that the paper conveniently forgot were enacted by her GOP predecessors. In 2008, she was elected President of the Board of Commissioners. Also in 2008, Marilyn's husband Eric was elected to become the first ever Democrat on the Franklin County Probate Court.
So, the Browns have a collective 3-for-3 track record in elections in Franklin County. Marilyn is now taking on the challenge of holding the Secretary of State seat for the Democratic Party. While it won't be easy to defeat "Slick Jonny" Husted, Marilyn will have my full support in her campaign. Go get 'em Marilyn!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
PD: Fisher, Haseley Knew of Barbash's Tax Problems
Strickland's administration also delivered a negative communication last week. That's when it acknowledged that the nobody told the governor that state's top development officer, Mark Barbash, had tax troubles before his promotion in February to the Cabinet-level post.
Barbash resigned Friday after a media report revealed he owed the Internal Revenue Service more than $146,000.
Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher knew of Barbash's problem, as did the governor's chief of staff, John Haseley. Yet, neither said anything to Strickland, who found out only when Barbash told the administration he had received a foreclosure notice on his home.
The situation sends a couple of possible messages, neither of them good.
One, the governor's staff keeps him out of the loop. Or, two, the governor doesn't pay attention to his own vetting process.So, Lee Fisher and John Haseley knew of Barbash's tax problems and yet failed to tell the Guv?
Shame on them.
Governor Strickland is in the midst of a tough budget cycle and is looking at a no-gimme re-election campaign next year. These two should know better than to make his life more difficult than it already is.
As for Mark Barbash, fear not! You may owe $146,000 to the IRS, but Akron mayoral recall instigator Warner Mendenhall has you topped! He owes $196,000. So, Mark, you may not be fit to be director of Development, but you can feel free to start a petition drive to recall your local mayor. And, you can whine about it if your mayor's supporters try to point out your tax lien as a reason not to support your recall efforts too, just like Mendenhall has.
Monday, May 18, 2009
A New Campaign Link
Friday, May 15, 2009
OH-01: Driehaus Makes List of Most Vulnerable House Incumbents
8. Ohio's 1st district (D) (55 percent): Rep. Steve Chabot's (R) hold on this Cincinnati-area district was always tenuous due to the heavy (27 percent) black population. With President Obama's historic candidacy leading the ticket, Chabot's number came up in 2008 as state Rep.Steve Driehaus (D) knocked him off by just over 8,000 votes. Chabot is running again, believing that the high levels of black turnout will not be repeatable in 2010. He's probably right but Driehaus will also benefit from the power of incumbency; witness the $152,000 (out of $215,000 raised) that came from political action committees in the first three months of the year.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Akron Recall Is On
I have an e-mail into the Ohio Democratic Party wondering how they will respond to this recall. When I hear back from them I'll post on it.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Brunner: Under No Circumstances Will I Run for SOS
I want to make it clear that under no circumstances will I consider seeking re-election to the Secretary of State's position, or any other statewide or federal office, other than the open U.S. Senate seat of retiring Senator George Voinovich. I am pleased with the work that you and I have accomplished in improving elections in Ohio and the operations of the Secretary of State's office in less than three years, including protecting each Ohioan's social security number from public access and ensuring trust in Ohio's elections.
Modern & Russo's Leger De Main Re: Brunner
Two national bloggers, Chris Cilliza of the Washington Post blog The Fix , and Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight.com have written recently that Brunner's lackluster fundraising total in Q1 means that unless her Q2 results show marked improvement, she'll feel the heat from national Democrats to leave the race. Especially since GOP front runner Rob Portman has over $3 million in the bank and a cleared primary field.
I don't know about you, but I really can't see Jennifer Brunner saying no to Rahm Emanuel if he calls her and asks her to step aside. Thus all the heat is on Brunner to at least match Fisher's Q2 fundraising totals or leave the race. The DSCC knows that Ohio is a key pickup opportunity that can serve either as a firewall against GOP gains elsewhere, or as a key piece in the puzzle of 60 senate votes. A bloody Democratic primary where the GOP candidate has a cleared field and can raise funds and define himself at will is their worst nightmare.
From outside the vitrol that Modern and Russo have for Fisher for whatever reason, it would appear that the candidate who raised $1 million and has 20 years experience is more viable than one who raised $200,000 and has no legislative experience whatsover. So the heat is on Brunner to improve her fundraising totals or clear the field for Fisher.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
ODP Confirms: David Pepper Announcing Tomorrow
Tuesday: David Pepper Campaign Announcement
Will be joined by Governor Ted Strickland, Chairman Chris Redfern
David Pepper, Hamilton County Commission President, will make a major announcement regarding the 2010 campaign tomorrow at Ohio Democratic Party Headquarters.
Governor Ted Strickland will speak. ODP Chairman Chris Redfern and other elected officials will attend the announcement.Tuesday, May 12, 2009
10:30 a.m.
Ohio Democratic Party HQ
340 Fulton St., Columbus
Friday, May 08, 2009
Light Posting Notice
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Welcome Back Modern, Wither BI?
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Seriously, Does Arlen Specter WANT A Primary Opponent?
In an interview with the New York Times Magazine, Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) said he hopes Norm Coleman (R) prevails in his Senate recount court fight against Al Franken (D) in Minnesota.
Said Specter: "There's still time for the Minnesota courts to do justice and declare Norm Coleman the winner."
Carrie Prejean: First a Boob Job, Now Naked Pics Too.
“I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage,” Prejean said. “And you know what? I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised.”Prejean ended up finishing 2nd to Miss North Carolina. On his blog the next day, Hilton used a vulgarity to describe Prejean and suggested her repsonse may have cost her the crown. This was enough to make Prejean the religious right's new champion against the so-called "gay agenda."
Akron Recall Heating Up
Friday, May 01, 2009
OH-GOV: Kasich Filing Today
In Ohio, Republican John Kasich, a former longtime congressman and also commentator for FOX News Channel, plans to file papers today for a bid for governor, according to a well-placed source.
Republicans wanted Kasich to run in 2006, he demurred, but has been planting the seeds for 2010 since them - in March 2008, he suggested that Ohio's income tax should be "phased out.'' He served last year as honorary chairman of "Recharge Ohio,'' a group committed to finding leaders who could "get our state back on track.'
Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland presides over a state that the Democrats were able to corral for the election of President Barack Obama last year, a state which nevertheless has undergone extreme pressure in the recession now underway even before it was a recognized recession. How Ohio plays in 2010 will speak volumes about what Ohioans make of the Democratic strategy for economic recovery.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
NPR: Souter to Retire
Though appointed by George Bush Sr., Souter has tended to vote with the court's four member liberal wing. So it's plausible that the election of President Obama and the Dems now having 60 seats in the Senate has finally prompted Souter to retire.
Early speculation is that President Obama will nominate a woman to fill Souter's seat.
4 Steps to GOP Epic Fail
Step 2: When called out by the Ohio Democratic Party, replace the photo with a "censored" image
Step 3: Replace "censored" image with the photo of a frowning child
Step 4: Remove blog post due to negative publicity.
"It is just that kind of insensitivity to the plight of real people that is causing the Republican Party to lose so many of its previous followers." said ODP Online Communications Director Todd Hoffman.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Clinton CBO Chief: 98% of “Pay Gap” Is Attributable to Women’s Choices
1997 is the year that my collegiate career began as I set foot on the campus of Cleveland’s Case Western Reserve University. At the time, I thought I was a future engineer, and so Case, with its emphasis on study in the so-called STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) seemed a perfect fit. There was only one problem, as my 18-year-old self soon discovered: Case’s emphasis on the STEM fields meant that the campus was devoid of girls. The undergraduate student body was 65% male.
Soon, my fraternity brothers and I took to traveling to other campuses were the girls were. These other schools eschewed Case’s emphasis on STEM fields and instead specialized in the humanities and social sciences, which is why their student bodies were majority female.
I bring this up as part of this blog post in order to illustrate a point. Today is "Pay Equity Day", and the American Association of University Women is trying to use today to heighten awareness of the fact that, by their estimate, women on average, throughout the economy, earn roughly 78 cents for every dollar a man earns. To help illustrate this “pay gap”, Jill at WLST suggested on her Twitter feed Sunday night that bake sales should be held were women are charged 78 cents and men $1.00 for baked goods. In my opinion, however, the evidence suggests that almost the entire current pay gap has a lot less to do with sexism, and a lot more to do with the fact that women tend not to study STEM fields which lead to higher paying careers, then the AAUW or Jill probably thinks it does.
I’ll let this excerpt from Forbes magazine explain why:
June O'Neill, a certifiably female economist who served as director of the Congressional Budget Office under President Clinton, wrote a peer-reviewed paper for the American Economic Review (May 2003), trying to account for the pay gap. What she found was that women are much more likely over the course of their lives to cut back their hours or quit work altogether than men. That matters, because even though the BLS was comparing full-time workers, if you go part-time or take years out of the labor force, that has an effect on earnings down the line, due to loss of seniority or missed promotions.
More precisely, of women aged 25-44 with young children, more than a third were out of the labor force; of those women who did have jobs, 30% worked part-time. (The comparable numbers for men were 4% out of the labor force and 2% working part-time).
All told, women are more than twice as likely to work part-time as men and over the course of their lifetimes, work outside the home for 40% fewer years than men. That accounts for a significant chunk of the pay gap. Then there is a more subtle factor. Despite the many advances the women's movement has brought the U.S., what it hasn't done, thank heavens, is make men and women the same. The simple fact is - and there is nothing nasty or conspiratorial about it - the sexes continue to choose different avenues of study and different types of jobs.
Here's an illustrative example. The college majors with the top starting salaries, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, are: chemical engineering (almost $60,000), computer engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering. Men make up about 80% of engineering majors. Women predominate among liberal arts majors - whose salaries start at a little more than $30,000. Putting it all together, O¹Neill figures that these differences - in choice of work, years in the workforce, and hours of work - could account for as much as 97.5% of the differences in pay between men and women. "The unadjusted gender gap," she concludes, "can be explained to a large extent by non-discriminatory factors."Does everyone have that? 97.5% of the pay gap can be attributed to non-discriminatory factors (a.k.a. women’s choices about their careers). Women spend less time in the workforce, more time working part-time, and freely choose lower-paying careers, and those reasons account for 97.5% of the pay gap.
Going back to that bake sale example, if you wanted to charge a price differential based only on the part of the pay gap that cannot be explained by “non-discriminatory factors,” instead of charging women 78 cents, you’d have to charge them 99.5 cents (to be precise, 99.45 cents).
In other words, a big part of the reason the pay gap exists today, is because my class at Case, and at other universities, had so few women studying STEM fields, which lead to higher paying careers in technology. In my opinion, studies like O’Neill’s indicate that almost all of the inequality has been wrung out of the system, and of course the passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act will help to further reduce what inequality remains. But in the future, progress on narrowing the pay gap will depend not on passing new laws or more lawsuits, but instead on women choosing careers in the higher paying STEM fields, and choosing to spend more time in the workforce.
Fortunately, On the first measure, organizations such as the Society of Women Engineers has been on the case (no pun intended) since 1950, offering scholarships and support to women in engineering fields. In terms of public policy that would further close the pay gap, we need scholarships to encourage women to study STEM fields. In order to encourage women to remain in the work force longer, the United States needs to finally, belatedly, pass a law providing for mandatory maternity leave (we're one of what, maybe 5 countries that doesn't do this now?) and provide tax credits to companies that allow their workers to telecommute and work flexible schedules. These measures will, I think, be the most effective at closing the pay gap further.
WOW!!!! PA-Sen: Arlen Specter to Switch Parties!
Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter will switch his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat and announced today that he will run in 2010 as a Democrat, according to a statement he released this morning.
Specter's decision would give Democrats a 60 seat filibuster proof majority in the Senate assuming Democrat Al Franken is eventually sworn in as the next Senator from Minnesota. (Former Sen. Norm Coleman is appealing Franken's victory in the state Supreme Court.)
"I have decided to run for re-election in 2010 in the Democratic primary," said Specter in a statement. "I am ready, willing and anxious to take on all comers and have my candidacy for re-election determined in a general election."
He added: "Since my election in 1980, as part of the Reagan Big Tent, the Republican Party has moved far to the right. Last year, more than 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration to become Democrats. I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans."
Specter as a Democrat would also fundamentally alter the 2010 calculus in Pennsylvania as he was expected to face a difficult primary challenge next year from former Rep. Pat Toomey. The only announced Democrat in the race is former National Constitution Center head Joe Torsella although several other candidates are looking at the race.
Consumer Confidence Soars
WASHINGTON - A private research group said Tuesday that consumer confidence soared in April amid hopeful signs that the economy is starting to stabilize
The Conference Board said its Consumer Confidence Index rose 12 points to 39.2, up from a revised 26.9 in March. The reading marks the highest point since November and well surpasses economists' expectations for a level of 29.5.
The Expectations Index, which measures how shoppers feel about the economy over the next six months, skyrocketed to 49.5 from 30.2 in March.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Totally Non-Political: Cavs Spoof Heineken Walk-In Fridge Ad
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Fix Summary of Ohio Senate Race
6. Ohio (R): Fundraising totals for the first three months of 2009 were a telling sign of strength in this open seat race. Former Rep. Rob Portman (R) delivered on the high expectations for his candidacy with $1.7 million raised and another $1.4 million transferred from his House account. Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher (D) also crested the $1 million raised plateau -- far outdistancing Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner (D) who brought in just $200,000. If Brunner can't find a way to stay more competitive with Fisher, she is likely to face significant pressure from state and national Democrats to abandon her candidacy. Either way, a Fisher-Portman race is the most likely one right now, and that has all the makings of a great one. (Previous ranking: 6)
Friday, April 24, 2009
NY-20: Tedisco Concedes
Democrat Scott Murphy has declared victory in the 20th district congressional race after republican Jim Tedisco called him to concede Friday afternoon.
Murphy addressed the media for the first time as a congressman elect, saying he's looking forward to beginning his new job and working with President Obama, who called to congratulate him already.
Brunner Makes FiveThirtyEight's Least Impressive Fundraising Totals List
Least Impressive Fundraising Totals, Challenger Division
3. Jennifer Brunner, D-Ohio ($207,236). Brunner's totals significantly lagged those of Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher, who brought in $1,035,673 last quarter. With Democrats having good reason to fear Rob Portman's organizational strength, Brunner will be under substantial pressure to improve her fundraising or Buckeye State Democrats may lose their appetite for a competitive primary.
Most Impressive Fundraising Totals, Challenger Division
3. Rob Portman, R-Ohio ($1,704,501). Portman was expected to be a strong fundraiser so this is not surprising, but he is increasingly looking like a mild frontrunner in the race to replace George Voinovich, even if polling has showed him slightly behind the Democratic opposition.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
AP: Majority of Americans Say Country Is on the Right Track; Obama Approval 64%
Roll Call: "Lunacy" that GOP could re-take House next year
Cheerleading has its place, including on a high school or college basketball court. But not when it comes to political analysis.
Over the past couple of weeks, at least three Republicans — House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (Va.), former Speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) and campaign consultant Tony Marsh — have raised the possibility of the GOP winning back the House of Representatives next year.
That idea is lunacy and ought to be put to rest immediately.
None of the three actually predicted that Republicans would gain the 40 seats that they need for a majority, but all three held out hope that that’s possible. It isn’t.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Prominent Free Market Capitalist Pens “A Failure of Capitalism”
One of the most prominent proponents of free-market capitalism is having second thoughts.
Judge Richard A. Posner, a federal appeals court judge who has been called the most cited legal scholar of all time, discussed his doubts and his analysis of the current financial crisis in a wide-ranging interview with the Huffington Post.
A longtime proponent of deregulation, the idea that business works best in a free market without burdensome government regulations, Posner began to change his mind when he realized the enormity of the crisis. This change of heart inspired him to write his upcoming book, “A Failure Of Capitalism.”
Congratulations Warren County!
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Cheney: "We Didn't Know A Lot About Al-Qaeda" Why Not?
"We didn't know a lot about Al-Qaeda. We didn't have the body of knowledge we have today. But, uh, it was a realtively unknown group. We knew a little bit about them, but not a lot."Why not, Mr. Cheney?
- We're talking about the same group of folks who bombed the USS Cole and killed 17 sailors in 2000.
- We're talking about a group that Bush counterterrorist cheif Richard Clarke (I still have his book Against All Enemies on my shelf) spefically asked for more CIA focus on.
- We're talking about a group that had "declared war" on the United States.
- We're talking about a group that President Clinton's intelligence team had warned the then-new Bush administration about.
By All Means, Cheney, Keep Running Your Yap
How do I feel about this? I say let the man keep running his yap. By all means. Everytime he does, he derails the GOP efforts to move beyond the super-unpopular Bush presidency and set a new course. What's more, it would appear that GOP strategists agree with me, at least this one quoted by Chris Cilliza of the Washington Posts' blog The Fix:
Cheney's decision to serve as the self-appointed defender of the Bush presidency has significantly raised his profile in the first 100 days of the Obama administration and presents a real challenge for a party hoping to put forward new faces and fresh ideas.
So by all means, Cheney, keep running your yap.
"He is a face of the past," said one Republican consultant who spoke on the condition he not be named. "A face of conflict and too polarizing. So, not a good face of the party."
Monday, April 20, 2009
Is This Really News?
State Rep. Josh Mandel, an Iraq War veteran viewed as a future star in Ohio Republican circles, is drawing close to announcing officially that he will run for state treasurer in 2010.The PD must have drunk the Mandel cool aid, since it describes his 17th State House district as "a swing district that actually leans slightly Democratic." Hogwash. The Ohio 17th was gerrymandered specifically for the GOP, as is obvious once you consider that Mandel followed GOPer Jimmy Trakas in representing the district.
"I'm very seriously leaning toward running for state treasurer and will be making my final decision very soon," Mandel said in an interview Monday.
I'm looking forward to watching Kevin Boyce take this guy down.
PD: 25% of Fisher Haul Is Earmarked for the General
About $225,000 of the roughly $1 million he received by March 31 is designated for the general election. That's because Fisher's million-dollar tally includes money from "double max" donors, those who made the maximum contribution to Fisher's primary and general campaigns at the same time. Supporters can contribute up to $2,400 to each campaign, but contributions for the general election can't be spent in the primary. Fisher also reported $24,000 in loans.
Fisher's list of "double max" contributors include Milton Maltz, founder and former chief executive officer of Malrite Communications; lawyer Stan Chesley, who has done work for Ohio for years; and numerous Northeast Ohio business leaders and well-to-do families.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Intel's Andy Grove: Government Must Help Auto Business Just Like They Did Chip Industry
Developing a domestic car-battery industry should be the focus of both corporations and the U.S. government. There is a model that may point to the way to build a new battery industry: the early days of the microprocessor. The history of the chip industry is a combination of the private sector overcoming technical challenges, with government playing a supporting role. In 1947 scientists at Bell Labs, which owed its existence to a government-granted monopoly, invented the transistor, the essential ingredient that in time led to the integrated circuit and the microprocessor. Bell Labs licensed the technology to all comers.
As a start, Energy Secretary Steven Chu should organize an industry council - like the World War II Production Board - and run it as if we were under wartime pressure. He can pull in the National Academy of Engineering and the National Science Foundation and have them recommend the technical approach. He can use the National Labs for R&D.
But the critical limitation is going to be battery production. To get an adequate supply of batteries for U.S. automobiles will require new manufacturing capacity that costs billions. Let us create a government-owned foundry organization that supplies, say, the first few million batteries, until the electric car and battery industries reach a critical size. Then let this organization license the manufacturing technology to private companies and let it go out of business.
When the government helped American chip companies, the industry did all right. It hung in as other industries left the U.S., and it still leads globally. We can do the same for transportation. We must.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Seriously Rick Perry?
Texas Gov. Rick Perry isn't ruling out the possibility his state may one day secede from the nation.
Speaking to an energetic and angry tea party crowd in Austin Wednesday evening, the Lone Star State governor suggested secession may happen in the future should the federal government not change its fiscal polices.
"There's a lot of different scenarios," Perry told the rally, according to the Associated Press. "We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot."
Washington isn’t thumbing their nose at the American people, Rick. They’re doing exactly what the majority of Americans asked them to do on November 4, 2008: reverse the disastrous policies of George W. Bush and get the country back on track.
Even in the dark days following the 2004 election, I never once heard a Democratic elected official suggest their state should secede from the union. It only took the GOPers three months following Obama’s inauguration to do the same. Seriously. Put some handcuffs on this guy.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Theme Changed, Again
Teabag Rallies = EPIC FAIL
I didn't have time to attend any of the tea bag rallies around Ohio today, as I am on an assignment and after that had to worry about finishing up my taxes. But, here's a summary of coverage from other Ohio blogs:
In short, today's Cleveland Tea Bag Rally looked and sounded more like a dysfunctional family reunion than a grassroots movement. Speakers screamed on the overly amplified sound system about higher taxes, abortion, guns, God being driven from schools, civil liberties being taken away (I know...I know), the price of stamps, and pretty much every other fringe idea the GOP hangs its hat on.After an hour and 20 minutes of random ranting, one thing stood out. No one, not a single speaker or attendee, offered an original thought or idea on how to get our economy turned around after eight years of failed Bushonomics.
Listening to these folks go on and on about taking the country back was absolutely hilarious. Taking the country back? Are you kidding me? Where were you people four years ago when the rest of us were trying to stop George W. Bush from raising taxes on working families to pay for a war we didn't need to be in? Where was the outrage then? Spare me.
In this 2 minute Qik video (shot from my hacked iPhone, so low quality) from tonight Tea Party, you can see the following:
- Mention of global warming get booed.
- Shouts of communism
- Tirades against tax increases that won't affect these people.
- Talk of the government stealing from the poor to give to the rich.
- Talk about how your taxes will go towards helping illegal immigrants.
I’ve been doing video of right wing nutbags for a long time, but this one was the most disturbing event I’ve ever attended. The rotting racist rabid rump of Republicanism has been reduced to a twitching crowd of paranoids. I got harassed away by a growing mob of jackasses, some of whom are in this video. I tried to get the police to stop them, to no avail.
This is what 24/7 FoxNews coverage of Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Michelle Bachman gives you. An angry white mob who thinks the black President is Hitler, but cannot explain why. It's what happens when you have a nation-wide cable television network that presents itself as an objective "journalistic" institution calling the democratically elected President of the United States a "fascist, socialist, and communist" 24/7. Glenn Beck is on Fox News with Penn of Penn & Teller fame preaching non-violence. In fear of what he has sown, but it is too late. You cannot demogogue the President to be an inhuman monster one day worthy of being hunted like Hitler or removed in a revolution and then say you're for non-violence. Own it, Beck, you coward.
Anyone else notice the irony of rain today? Remember when wingnuts prayed to God to make it rain on Obama’s acceptance speech in Denver?
Anyone find it funny that instead it is raining on teabagging parties? Everywhere I look on TV it’s umbrella city.
Has he spoken?
Irony. Oh sweet irony!
Brunner Fundraising Numbers: Underwhelming, To Say the Least
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Kevin Coughlin Story that Scene Killed
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tea Parties = Astroturfing
Astroturfing is a word in American English describing formal political, advertising, or public relations campaigns seeking to create the impression of being spontaneous "grassroots" behavior, hence the reference to the artificial grass, AstroTurf.
Today's revealation that Ohio's tea parties are being organzied by an organization called FreedomWorks. Who is FreedomWorks? From Firedoglake:The goal of such a campaign is to disguise the efforts of a political or commercial entity as an independent public reaction to some political entity—a politician, political group, product, service or event. Astroturfers attempt to orchestrate the actions of apparently diverse and geographically distributed individuals, by both overt ("outreach", "awareness", etc.) and covert (disinformation) means. Astroturfing may be undertaken by an individual pushing a personal agenda or highly organized professional groups with financial backing from large corporations, non-profits, or activist organizations. Very often the efforts are conducted by political consultants who also specialize in opposition research.
FreedomWorks was launched as a GOP version of MoveOn. "We believe that hard work beats daddy's money," said Dick Armey at the time. Armey seems to be a bit irony challenged -- Steve Forbes is on the FreedomWorks board. As Krugman notes, their money comes from the Koch, Scaife, Bradley, Olin and other reliable funders of right wing infrastructure including Exxon Mobil.Everyone got that? So, from the definition of astroturfing, the goal is to disguse the efforts of a political or commercial entity (in this case, a bunch of right wing monied interests) as an independent public reaction to some political entity (in this case, President Obama). Therefore, the tea parties are nothing but astroturfing. Plain and simple.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Over/Under on Akron Recall Effot
What's Going on In Youngstown?
On the same day that Lisa Antonini, the chairwoman of the Mahoning County Democratic Party, announces her resignation, Capri Cafaro, announced she would not run to replace Tim Ryan if he becomes Gov. Strickland's running mate in next falls' re-election campaign. Coincidence? I think not.
What's really going on here is a shake-up in Youngstown politics. Tim Ryan's departure from the OH-17 will create an all out free for all for the seat. Someone will try to use the county party apparatus to build some momentum towards winning the nomination, but its plain that Antonini wasn't in a position to provide any influence on that score; the fact that the Senate Democratic caucus went over her head to appoint State Sen. Joe Schiavoni to fill out the term of now Congressman John Boicceri proves that. As for Capri Cafaro, I think Anthony over at ODB calls it right when he says that either Cafaro is sitting on bad internal polling numbers, or she is much more committed to improving the lot of State Senate Democrats than any of us might have anticipated when she was appointed to fill out the term of former AG Marc Dann.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Can GOP Learn from Michael Steele?
Steele's heretical pronouncements have reinforced an important point. The Republican Party has backed itself into a regional, ideological and demographic corner -- the one marked "rural, conservative, white." The party is out of step with the nation it aspires to lead, and until room is made for those with a range of viewpoints, and those with different racial and ethnic backgrounds, it is hard to imagine how the party can achieve its dream of establishing a new "big tent" majority.
That was the key paragraph from this editorial by Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post. And it exposes the folly of the GOP’s continuing to “double down” on the same policies that got them shellacked in 2006 and 2008. When will the figure it out? Not anytime soon, I figure.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Importance of Vermont Ruling Overlooked
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
OH-15: Mary Jo Kilroy Stands Up to GOP Bullying
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Fisher, Brunner Hire Campaign Staffs
Monday, April 06, 2009
BSB: Fisher Raised Over $1 Million
EFF: Obama Administration Takes Bush Position On Warrantless Wiretapping
San Francisco - The Obama administration formally adopted the Bush administration's position that the courts cannot judge the legality of the National Security Agency's (NSA's) warrantless wiretapping program, filing a motion to dismiss Jewel v. NSA late Friday.
In Jewel v. NSA, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is challenging the agency's dragnet surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans. The Obama Justice Department claims in its motion that litigation over the wiretapping program would require the government to disclose privileged "state secrets." These are essentially the same arguments made by the Bush administration three years ago in Hepting v. AT&T, EFF's lawsuit against one of the telecom giants complicit in the NSA spying.
"President Obama promised the American people a new era of transparency, accountability, and respect for civil liberties," said EFF Senior Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston. "But with the Obama Justice Department continuing the Bush administration's cover-up of the National Security Agency's dragnet surveillance of millions of Americans, and insisting that the much-publicized warrantless wiretapping program is still a 'secret' that cannot be reviewed by the courts, it feels like deja vu all over again."
Friday, April 03, 2009
Political Infighting Stalling Cuyahoga County Reform, There's A Shock!
The Plain Dealer has a story up today about how political infighting is stalling proposals to reform Cuyahoga County government.
Well, there’s a freaking shock.
Apparently, there are two competing proposals for county government reform, but both have the broad outlines of creating a system of government similar to the one in neighboring Summit County. That is, replacement of the county board of commissioners with a county executive elected countywide and a county council, and replacement of many elected county officials into fewer officials with more responsibility plus more appointed officers. The two competing proposals seem to have their largest difference in the number of members the county council would have. In the proposal pushed by Parma Heights Mayor Martin Zanotti, the county council would have between 7 and 9 members, whereas in a competing proposal pushed by Prosecutor Bill Mason, it would be more like 13 members.
One of the things I simply can’t understand about the situation is that apparently, the minority community is opposed to the reform, because fewer elected officials means fewer chances for minorities to get into elected office. Sorry, but first, that’s not a good enough reason to keep superfluous officials around who are paid, and their staffs paid, with taxpayer dollars that could be better spent and second, it seems to me that the best way to create more elected offices is to grow Cuyahoga County’s population, thus creating more state representative, state senate, and congressional offices to run for. Cuyahoga County’s loss of nearly 110,000 residents since the 2000 census means the loss of an entire state representative district, which also, by the way, means sharing a state senate district with another county instead of having it entirely within Cuyahoga.
County government reform is past due. Summit County’s model works. Let’s do it.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
By all means, let's keep cutting mental health funding...
Drug overdoses kill more Ohioans than car wrecks
Thursday, April 2, 2009 2:17 PM
A new killer has quietly replaced traffic crashes as the No. 1 cause of accidental death in Ohio.
Unintentional poisoning deaths - nearly all of them drug overdoses - eclipsed traffic fatalities in both 2006 and 2007, the Ohio Department of Health reported. Numbers have not been released for last year. Overdose deaths shot up 249 percent between 1999 and 2007. An average of three people now die each day in Ohio of drug overdoses.
The state agency calls it an epidemic. In addition, heroin and synthetic opiates such as OxyContin have now replaced cocaine as the second-tier "drug of choice" among those seeking rehabilitation, treatment agencies are reporting. They rank behind only alcohol.
Officials gathered at a Statehouse news conference today said they are alarmed by both trends, given the backdrop of state budget cutbacks for drug-, alcohol- and mental-health treatment programs. "We have a serious problem with opiate addiction," said Joe Trolian, executive director of the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Richland County.
"This is not just down-and-out people from the wrong side of town. This is high-school students that died in the family recreation room, athletes who thought they could take just one more pill, older adults who mix drugs and alcohol."
Cheri L. Walter, chief executive officer of the Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities, said that as funding evaporates, only those patients who qualify for Medicaid are certain to be served.
"Many Ohio counties have no funds left over to provide services to middle- or lower-income families who have minimal or no health-care benefits."
The Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services has $38 million in state money, twice as much as when it was created 20 years ago. However, it is treating 100,000 people instead of 40,000.
The Hardest Job in the Circus...
It is hard to overestimate the damage that the Bush administration did to America's historic Western alliance. Former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld's offhand dismissal of "Old Europe," as against the new states of Central Europe, set the tone. Rumsfeld later said he'd mangled his text; and in another circumstance the European allies might have accepted that. But Rumsfeld's misspeaking, if that is what it was, points to the real damage. At its root, the Europeans believe they were systematically brushed aside—even lied to. At the depth of the Iraq debacle, one senior adviser at No. 10 Downing Street exclaimed: "We've been betrayed by a bunch of incompetents in Washington." Tony Blair, Brown's predecessor and that official's admired boss, was effectively destroyed by his support of W. The same adviser is now in Britain's Washington embassy. Does anyone believe he has forgotten what prompted his outburst?
The perception of betrayal goes far wider than rigged intelligence estimates and unfounded optimism about Iraq. On issue after issue (Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Guantánamo, Iran, the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations), the current cadre of European leaders and officials believe the Bush White House failed to consult them; worse, it did not level with them about its real goals. And, more alarming still, it simply had no idea what it was getting into. The economic meltdown—which all Europeans see as originating in a massive failure by a corrupted U.S. system of government to sensibly regulate Wall Street—is merely, for Europe's leaders, final proof that the Washington they respected and, ultimately, trusted through the Cold War years is no more.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Congratulations John Boehner! Tonight's Worst Person in the World!
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Here's (Slick) Jonny!
What NY-20 Result Means: Status Quo Ante
The district's PVI rating is R+3, so it is GOP leaning. And, as Nate Silver points out in this excellent post , a GOP leaning district in a Democratic leaning moment in the political cycle equals tossup. And that's exactly what we got. Democratic candidate Scott Murphy finished the evening with a 65 vote lead over the GOP's candidate, state assemblyman Jim Tedisco. Over 10,000 absentee ballots were issued in this race and so far according to an AP wire story last night over 6,000 have been received, and overseas absentee ballots will continue to be accepted until April 13th. In other words, this race will not be decided soon.
What does that mean? Well, both parties were ready and willing to spin a victory by their candidate in this race. The GOP was especially hopeful, as they had already started to pre-spin that a win by their candidate would be "evidence" that the country was "rejecting" the Obama stimulus package. Dems would have done some further tap dancing on the "grave" of the GOP.
What does the essential tie mean? It means status quo ante. Nobody gets to spin anything, and the race is an anti-climax that won't be decided for months. In other words, I should have gone to the bar last night :)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A Great Way to Lower Health Care Costs
You could think of them as the Maytag repairmen of health care.
In an industry that makes its money by selling more -- more tests, more surgeries, more drugs -- Geisinger Health System officials gambled three years ago that they could succeed by doing less, but doing it better.
Mimicking the appliance company that advertised its products' reliability, the health system devised a 90-day warranty on elective heart surgery, promising to get it right the first time, for a flat fee. If complications arise or the patient returns to the hospital, Geisinger bears the additional cost.
The venture has paid off. Heart patients have fared measurably better, and the health system has cut its bypass surgery costs by 15 percent. Today, Geisinger has extended the program to half a dozen other procedures, and initiatives such as the counterintuitive experiment in Pennsylvania coal country are now at the heart of efforts in Washington to refashion how care is delivered across the United States.
Though not identified by name, the Geisinger model tracks closely with the policy goals of President Obama. A key target is to reduce expensive errors, duplication, and unnecessary procedures that do nothing to improve health and may actually result in worse outcomes.
Monday, March 30, 2009
EFCA Reality Check
The Employee Free Choice Act would allow unions to be recognized if a majority of workers sign union cards, and it would remove employers' current right to demand that workers instead hold a secret-ballot election to ratify a union.
Richard Hurd, a professor of labor studies at Cornell University, said the current secret-ballot elections allow employers to campaign against the union in the workplace but shut organizers out of that venue.
Hurd likened it to a political election in which "one candidate could present his view anytime he wants, and the people have to sit there and listen to him. The other candidate could only get his view across if he is able to track down people and talk to them on their free time."
Hurd said employees are fired in at least one of every five organizing campaigns and that companies found guilty of firing workers for union activity only have to pay them back wages, minus whatever the employees made at their new jobs. The Employee Free Choice Act would require guilty employers to pay illegally fired workers triple their lost salaries, as well as civil penalties of up to $20,000 per violation.
Even when unions win an election to organize, getting the first contract can be difficult. Hurd said only 40 percent of companies in which employees vote for unions get collective-bargaining agreements. The proposed law would give employers and workers 120 days to reach a contract before a federal arbitrator stepped in to set terms.
OH-17: How Much Of A Battle Should There Be Over a Two Year Gig?
There's A New Sheriff In Town
The Fix: Ryan Will Be Strickland's Running Mate in 2010
Ryan for (Lt.) Gov: Youthful Ohio Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan (he's 35) will announce that he is running for lieutenant governor later this week, according to two sources familiar with the decision. The LG's office is being vacated by Lee Fisher who is one of several candidates running for the seat of retiring Sen. George Voinovich (R) in 2010. Ryan would presumably run as the hand-picked choice of Gov. Ted Strickland and, if the ticket is elected in 2010, would be the obvious favorite to replace the term-limited incumbent in 2014. Ryan's departure will create an open seat in the House where state Senate Minority Leader Capri Cafaro would be an early favorite.